De Land Stake Emergency Plan


This is not an Official Website of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints

For additional information contact:

Tom McCombs (

De Land Florida Stake

Emergency Preparedness Specialist


Duties of the Stake President:

President Markovitz: Point of contact for all Church and community affairs in the Deland Florida Stake.

a. The Stake President establishes communications and a working relationship with President Michael Ingalls, Regional Emergency Response Leader.

b. The Stake President establishes communications and a working relationship with the Orlando Bishops Storehouse Manager.

c. Maintains contact as needed with other regional stake presidents (see attachment 10)

d. The Stake President ensures that each Bishop and Branch President have established through a member called to serve as a liaison, a line of communication with the local (county or municipality) Emergency Operations Center (EOC). This would also include representative of the local Police, Fire and Rescue and Hospitals. We recommend that “Work Order” forms be provided to them in advance of any storm event so that they can provide them to first responders. Local first responders will be busy assisting the community and their own personal needs will suffer. It is suggested that after the needs of ward members have been met that work crews could assist these families with their needs for cleanup and repair services.

e. Makes contact with President Ingalls, who is the Churchs liaison with the State of Florida EOC before the storm to establish a line of communication. The state issues tracking numbers that must be displayed by repair crews authorizing their presence in the community.

f. The Stake President is responsible for the local staging areas, command center and staffing and operation. (Attachment 8)

g. The Stake President is responsible to insure that the below is being accomplished.

h.  Remember - Delegate – Delegate and Delegate all you can.

Stake President’s Checklist:

Church Headquarters needs to know:

1. Location and description of emergency

2. Numbers of missing, sick, injured, dead, evacuated, flooded and burned out members and number who still need assistance and skilled medical help.

3. Actions taken to help those in distress and number of volunteers still available to assist.

4. Damage to Church buildings or property.

5. Damage to members homes.

6. Safety of full-time missionaries, contact: Mission President Garth Hall (Work 407 852-1270, Cell 407 492-0223)

7. Needed equipment or supplies.

8. Requests for authorization to use our buildings by other groups.

9. Requests to release the Spearhead unit if is needed.

10. Indicate what government and non-church agencies are doing.

11. Name of media spokesman assigned to answer questions- if delegated.

12. The community evacuation center is located at: (Attachments 3-5)

Suggestions for the Stake President:

1.   Sisters should never be asked to work alone with men or makes visits alone.

2.   Get out and tour the area, be visible, dont stop communicating.

3.   Staff need reassurance

4.   Staff need to be recognized for their efforts.

5.   Quickly address rumors and misinformation.

6.   Identify a person to record notes during briefings especially key facts, numbers, locations, evacuations and who is in attendance.

7.   Questions to ask: When will power be restored? Email, internet, what is  working…what resources are available? Who needs what resources?

8.   Ask for feedback, what do your people need - they know better-ask them

9.   Safeguard confidential membership information.

10. Consider using teams in shifts.

11. Consider contacting FM Group if necessary: FM Manager Mike Parris

   work 407-460-9100, cell 407-448-9049

12. Spirit of Inclusion, include all neighbors in helping and letting them return

  the help.

13. Identify a point-of-contact (POC) to be a clearing house to handle all requests to help i.e. (food, money, shelter, clothes, time, and talents).

This person should be included in all meetings and working close with the

Stake President. This may be the Stake President or he may delegate

this responsibility.

14. Prioritize response to neighborhood. Identify what is needed first through Bishops, then assign teams to meet those needs especially assigning talent to specific needs (roofers to help roof, plumber to repair plumbing).

15. The Stake Center may be used for an equipment staging area instead of evacuation center. (Area Seventy Approval)

Duties of Stake and Ward Relief Society Presidents:

1. The Relief Society sisters should be organized in two-sister teams that will be conducting assessments of the needs of each affected member household. Families may have medical, housing, and emotional or food needs and the Stake and Ward Relief Society Presidents should be prepared to assist and report needs to the Bishop/Branch President and Stake President as appropriate.

2. Stake and Ward Relief Society Presidencies should be organized so that the sisters are ready to make assessment visits in advance of any event and to respond to these needs by visiting sisters after the event and assisting the Stake President in responding to their needs.

3. The Command Center staff will need to be fed and possibly housed during the coordination of the relief effort and our Stake Relief Society presidency oversees this effort. Members should not be expected to pay for this individually and should submit receipts to the stake for reimbursement.

4. Relief crews may travel from out of town and if not prepared as they should be, may need to be fed and housed as well. Coordination by the Relief Society Presidency with the designated member of the High Council during this effort is requisite.

Duties of the High Council:

1. Members of the High Council should be utilized to coordinate relief efforts with the Stake Presidency and be ready, by assignment, to assist in the following:

a. Storehouse management and distribution. (see attached responsibility list)

b. Supply maintenance and distribution. (see attached responsibility list)

c. Building use and maintenance.

d. Other roles as determined by the Stake President.

2. Staff the Command Center during the relief effort.

3. Provide leadership and coordination in the housing and feeding of out of town crews if necessary.

4. Provide assistance for building shelter coordination. (see attached responsibility list)

Stake Emergency Preparedness Committee:

Stake Emergency Preparedness Specialist:

1. Reviews/Submits Stakes Emergency Plan to Stake President

2. Leads Stake Emergency Preparedness Committee

3. Coordinates Stake Emergency Resources

4. Coordinates with Local Gov. Resources

5. Maintains a list of Ward Resources/Equipment

Stake Emergency Communications Specialist:

1. Reviews/Submits Stake Emergency Communications Plan to Stake Emergency Preparedness Committee/Stake President.

2. Coordinates Stake Emergency Radio Communications when phone lines are down.

3. Conducts weekly Stake ERC Net, Biannually, Leadership ERC Net

4. Provides training to Ward Communications Specialists

Other Stake Responsibilities:

1. Obtain from each ward and branch copies of maps from the local meetinghouse to each ward members home showing directions. Maps will be provided/stored on CD and each ward will have a current copy along with the Stake.

2. Develop and plan for the use of each building as a shelter for missionaries/members and to train annually ward representatives and Stake leaders to prepare for, direct and then oversee staging areas for disaster response, and the use of the buildings.

3. Provide a power source and staffing of the Command Center including computer expertise and office supplies. (see attached responsibility list)

4. Identify Stake Officials who have access to GPS tracking

The following are Disasters most likely to occur in the Deland Stake:


Bishops assess fire threat/damage to Ward membership & missionaries and communicate to the Stake President within 8 hrs or as required by the Stake President.

Assist with evacuation and recovery.


Identify members in flood prone areas and develop evacuation and recovery plans.

Bishops assess flood threat/damage to Ward membership & missionaries and communicate to the Stake President within 8 hrs or as required by the Stake President. 


72 hours prior to a hurricane:

Identify members that will be staying home, staying at a shelter, or evacuating.  (Some members may require a special needs shelter)

Assist with evacuation.

8 hours prior to a hurricane, Bishops communicate to the Stake President status (staying/leaving) of Ward membership.

After a hurricane (when permitted by local authorities)

Bishops account for Ward Members & Missionaries and communicate status to the Stake President within 4 - 8 hours.

Implement Disaster Cleanup plan.

Thunder Storms:

We may want to identify members who are Skywarn Spotters (trained by the National Weather Service to assist with Storm Warnings) to assist with local areas of concern.

Assess threatened area and report status to the Stake President when appropriate.


We may want to identify members who are Skywarn Spotters (trained by the National Weather Service to assist with Storm Warnings) to assist with local areas of concern.

Assess threatened area and report status to the Stake President when appropriate.

Food/Water Supply

Each family should maintain 2 weeks water storage and 7 days food supply in their 7-day disaster supply kits.  Families should also maintain a 3 months or longer-Term supply of food.

Ward Responsibilities:

The Ward Emergency Preparedness Committee will assist Bishops/Branch Presidents and the Ward Correlation Committee in Emergency Preparedness by taking an active role in the fulfillment of these tasks.

1.Maintain area emergency resource phone numbers.

a.Flagler County Emergency Numbers (Attachment 1)

b.Volusia County Emergency Numbers (Attachment 2)

2.Maintain a list of Local area shelters & special needs shelters.

a.Flagler County Shelter (Attachment 3)

b.Volusia Shelter Address (Attachment 4)

c.Volusia Shelter Map (Attachment 5)

3.Become acquainted with local emergency resource policies/procedures.

4.Use New LDS Mapping system for Ward membership Location.

Wards will use Zone Assignment System to account for ward members.

5.Ward Mission Leaders will account for missionaries

6.New LDS Mapping System will be used to identify members with special needs. (Personal contact made by Zone Leaders)

7.New LDS Mapping System will be used to identify members with special skills (medical, equipment, etc.) (Personal contact made by Zone Leaders)

8.Phones/Ham Radios will be used to a) coordinate internal leadership communications, b) communicate with Stake Leadership and Local officials.

9.Develop a plan to assist with evacuation.

10.Develop a plan to assist with recovery.

11.Follow the LDS Disaster Cleanup Guideline – Church Volunteers Fact Sheet. (,11664,8037-1,00.html)

12.Develop a plan to assist members who may experience emotional trauma.

13.Assist members in developing a 7 day disaster kits and home storage.

14.Assist members in developing an emergency preparedness plan (

Ward Emergency Procedures (Adapted from the Naples Ward EPP)

General and Annual Preparations

A.Annually hold a Hurricane/Storm Awareness Ward activity to educate members on (i) the nature of and difficulties to be expected from major storm events (storm surge, high winds, tornadoes, etc.), (ii) presentation of information on storm terminology used in hurricane preparedness, the Saffir Simpson Hurricane Scale, description of the risks to members and their families, impact on their employment and financial circumstances, the Ward Building, and LDS Emergency Services resources available through the Church, (iii) individual and family preparedness (7-day Disaster Kit), and (iv) on the Ward Hurricane Preparedness Plan and the role ward members play in carrying it out.  This activity should be held prior to the summertime hurricane season, but close enough to it to attract the members' attention (i.e. May or early June).

B.Annually review the Ward Emergency Preparedness Plan with Ward PEC/Council members to refine, revise and update it to keep it current and usable.  This event should include general review of each committee member's role and the missions assigned to their respective organizations in effectuating the Plan.

C.Annually conduct an inventory of (i) Ward emergency preparedness resources, equipment and supplies, and (ii) preparedness status with Ward Council members.

D.Annually conduct a Ward Emergency Preparedness Plan Drill to train members in effectuating their responsibilities under the plan.  The concept would be to activate the Plan on a Saturday in the spring and to go thoroughly through the motions of carrying out the plan.

E.Annually conduct a Ward Resources Assessment to identify members with special needs, assess how to handle those needs, identify members with special skills, determine their emergency event availability, and resources members may have available to assist with pre-, during, and post-storm event operations for individual, ward and community service needs.

F.Annually contact each Ward Member and verify addresses and phone numbers.

G.Prepare a Post-Storm Event Damage Evaluation and Cleanup Operations Plan, including establishing information for search and rescue teams and cleanup crews (maps, ward rosters, equipment lists, equipment storage locations, etc.)


A.Tropical Storm Considerations:

a.If a tropical storm watch or warning is forecasted to affect the area and no evacuation or other recommendation or order is given and the Bishopric does not activate the Plan, continue individual monitoring.

b.EQ Presidency and HP Group Leadership should through the Home Teachers call special needs members and verify their situations; and encourage members living in mobile homes to leave for their pre-arranged storm dwelling arrangements.  RS Presidency should do the same through the Visiting Teachers, although perhaps redundant it is important that we be thorough so that no one is left out.

c.PEC and RS leaders should arrange their own home and family preparations so that they can be available to assist in Ward operations at the building.

B.Pre-Storm Event Plan Activation

a.The Bishopric will activate the Plan based on one of the following criteria:

(i)Volusia County has been placed under a Hurricane Watch by the National Hurricane Center;

(ii)Volusia County has activated its Emergency Operation Center; or Bishopric or Stake President deems it appropriate.

b.Upon activation of the Plan, Ward ECS will activate Zone Calling until contact has been made with all members, beginning with special needs members, to learn if any member needs assistance in (i) relocating to a safer location, or (ii) securing their home.

c.Command Center Actions

(i) 72-48 Hours before projected Hurricane Landfall

(1)Hurricane Plan Review Session with all Ward Council members

(2)Check supplies and Equipment

(3)Obtain reports from PEC and RS leaders on member assistance needs and confirm needs have been satisfied.

(ii)48-24 Hours Before Projected Hurricane Landfall Depending on Strength of Storm

(1)Carry out any evacuation of special needs members and provide related transportation and assistance.

(2)Assign transportation responsibilities for all present at the Building in case evacuation is ordered.

(iii)24 Hours Before Forecasted Hurricane Landfall, a Hurricane Warning is issued by the National Hurricane Center or evacuation is recommended or ordered by the Governor or local officials, or LDS Church authorities.

(1)Review all actions taken to identify any gaps or shortfalls and follow-up to eliminate them.

(2)Insure All Members are Aware of the Situation.

(3)Review Responsibilities to insure all preparations have been made.

(4)Implement Special Needs Members Evacuation.

(5)Secure the Building.

(6)Report All Actions Taken and Member Status to the Stake President

(7)Set up battery systems and generators for operation during Storm

(8)Review Post-Storm Event Cleanup Plans (see below)

(9)Review Individual Ward Committee Assignments (see below)

C.Storm Event Operations:

Maintain as Constant Contact as Possible with Stake President and Monitor all Radio and TV Broadcasts.

D.Post-Storm Event Operations:


Ward ECS will activate Zone Calling until contact has been made with all members, beginning with special needs members, to learn if any member needs assistance.  Member needs are reported to the Bishop.


Co-ordinate with government emergency services to assist any members with emergency personal injury or dwelling needs

These teams must be experienced and knowledgeable in avoiding dangerous situations (power lines, etc.) in attempting to render assistance.


1.Bishopric Counselors Inspect Building for Damage Assessment

(i)Develop a complete list of damages to Building and contents and report to Bishop

(ii)Determine and Report to Bishop if the Building is:

(a)Damaged but still Operable;

(b)Inoperable, but would only require minor repairs to become operable again;

(c)Inoperable, and cannot be reasonably repaired (damaged to the point of being useless);

(d)Operable, but inaccessible due to isolation caused by water, roads, etc.

(e)Viability of Electrical, Water, and Sewer Utility facilities

2.HP Group Leader and EQ President Prepare Report of Damage and Injuries to members and submit to Bishopric

d.BISHOP REPORTS DAMAGE AND INJURY ASSESSMENT TO STAKE PRESIDENT along with estimate of any outside resources that may be necessary to address member and community needs (service project opportunities)


Teams will consist of 5 to 10 people under a Work Group Leader and if made up of volunteers from outside the area a local member will be assigned to go with each team as a "native guide" (the Storm Event may have eliminated traffic controls, directional signs and street signs and local members

Team members will be expected to bring their own gloves, tools and supplies (including food and drink)

Each Team Leader (RED cap) will be issued a map and should have access to a Ham Radio or other working communications device (as assigned to a project the Work Assignments Director (Bishopric Counselor) keeps a record of the assignment, expected difficulty, tools and supplies needed, and communications device the Team will have.

Maps, GPS and a compass will be useful, if not essential to each team.

Each Team Leader will register his team and receive a work order. (attachment 6 & 7)

As assignments are completed the Team Leader reports by communications device and may be assigned additional projects before returning to the Building.

Assume that working conditions will be primitive, electricity and telephone service, and other utilities such as water and sewer may be inoperable or unsafe.  Snakes, alligators and other wild animals may be out of their normal habitats, agitated, injured or hungry and more dangerous than would normally be the case.

f.Ward Public Communications Specialist interfaces with media to report on post-hurricane efforts of LDS volunteer work.